Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Posting to Social Bookmarking Sites

By now you've heard of Web 2.0 and how social media is changing the way we view the web. The question marketers must ask is how to embrace Web 2.0 and use it to better communicate to prospective customers and most importantly, propell your search engine results to #1.

I was recently struggling with one of my keyword placements which got bumped down to the #2 position on Google. At the same time, I was beginning to better understand the use of social bookmarking sites like Digg, Delicious, etc., and the tremendous power these sites have.

For those of you who are not familiar with social bookmarking sites, these sites allow users to "bookmark" a particular site, newstory, or content. When the content is selected, it is placed into a HUGE database that displays the sites selected. When multiple people bookmark a site or webpage, that site or webpage moves to the top of the display list (it's all about social popularity and voting).

In putting two and two together, I decided to look for tools that could help me place bookmarks on many of these sites... not just one or two of the most popular. The good news is that I found them and I'm going to share the sites here. It's not automatic, but that will come. In the meantime, register and start posting.

Oh yeah... the conclusion to my recent struggle with SEO. MarketingScoop is now back in the #1 position on Google for "Marketing Expert". Talk to you all very soon - Keep Blogging!

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