Sunday, July 1, 2007

Targeted Marketing - Your Key to Success

Just the other day I was traveling down a familiar road. A new building, which had just been completed, started their advertising campaign - using sinage. To my surprise their form of advertising was more than just a sign that read Hilton Garden Inn.

The building itself is located off of a U-turn/exit. As I drove towards the building I noticed small signs around the exit that said, "banquets", "parties", "meetings", etc. Not only would drivers by see the signs, but those stopped during the normal rush hour back-up would notice what the signs read. "What great advertising" I thought. Why? Because they were taking their advertising to the very people who would benefit from their services and capturing their attention in an unlikely manner.

One might ask, "but isn't this traffic untargeted?". I would argue no. This type of facility caters to the local market. And the majority of the people exposed this messaging would be locals entering a shopping center right across the highway. This type of advertising, one could argue, is even more cost effective thatn newspaper advertising.

I thought that the creativity of using $20 signs - placed in a great location - was brilliant! It goes to show that no matter what type of medium you use, there's always a new twist!

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