Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Behavioral Advertising is Key

More online consumers – from 10 percent to 22 percent more – are more receptive to behavioral targeting advertising than to contextual advertising, according to a recent study by JupiterResearch for RevenueScience. A total of 2,035 representatives of the online consumer population were surveyed for this study.

“Using advertising that consumers are receptive to is crucial, and behavioral targeting is clearly the best performer,” said Marla Schimke, vice president of marketing at RevenueScience. “When marketers use behavioral targeting, they can be sure that 93 percent of the audience receptive to their ad shop online, and those consumers make a more attractive online advertising target because they represent a higher income bracket, spend more money online and shop online more frequently.”

The study proves that behavioral targeting is the answer to reaching a high-value, qualified audience and it is critical that marketers integrate behavioral targeting as part of their online strategy.

It is important to provide users related to considered purchases during their daily activities.

The study also said l everaging the general online activities and habits of online shopper is key to doing so. “Take advantage of the multiple steps of the purchase funnel where online shoppers leverage the Internet for more than just purchasing online – also for researching their purchases, whether the purchase execution is online or offline,” the study said.

Keep behavioral marketing at the top of your list. Consumers will say just about anything but what really counts are their actions.

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