Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Coupons: Part of Your Marketing Strategy?

According to a recent research from BIGresearch, 9 out of 10 US consumers use coupons. Wow! The research went on to say that coupons were more influential in purchase decisions for 18 - 24 year olds. At first blush this is hard to believe. Largely because many of us hold the image of our parents or grandparents sitting on the floor with the Sunday paper spread out "clipping coupons".

In today's marketing environment however, coupons have taken on a life of their own. The reason why coupons are so prevalent today and among younger consumers is because of their communication vehicles and access points.

Younger consumers have greater access to the web and as a result, sites that encourage or promote coupon use. Simply type a product name into Google followed by the word coupon and you'll find dozens of websites that offer online deals and discounts. When these discounts are discovered, many users in the before mentioned demographic share this information with friends and social networks - which are now bigger than ever!

Is couponing part of your strategy?
A word to the wise. If you are trying to market a product or service, a special offer or discount coupon may be the tactic you need to eliminate excess inventory or manage seasonal lows. That said offering coupons should not be your only marketing strategy.

The upside of offering coupons can be improved branding, awareness, and transactions. Over the long-term you can see the benefits of this strategy. The downside however, if offered in an ineffective manner is that consumers get used to always using a coupon to purchase your product or service. This habit can be hard to break.

Next steps.
Consider using coupons to promote your product or service - but do so carefully. Learn more about coupon related websites (developed for affiliate commission purposes) and determine if they are key to your marketing strategy.

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