Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Politics of Marketing

With the recent announcement about Mitt Romney's running mate, I couldn't help but think about the marketing that both sides (Democrat and Republican) are going to put forth in the next few months.  In fact, every four years culminates in the best marketing strategy and marketing programs the world has ever known.

I like to watch the presidential election, not through political glasses, but marketing glasses. What I find so intriguing is that each campaign begins with a well developed strategy and a delicate coordination of marketing resources across various media.  This includes websites, television, public relations, social media, direct marketing, and much, much more.

What's new with political marketing?
A reporter recently asked me what we could expect from this year's marketing muscle... what's going to be new?  Well, the answer is simple - social.  In fact, I've already seen this start to play out.  Just this morning I saw a great Instagram photo on my Facebook timeline of Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney getting off their tour bus. This presidential race has already been integrated into the fabric of our daily lives!  

In addition to photos and updates (tweets) from political parties, people in my Google + circles are starting to post images, updates, and video that share candidate's opposing points of view.  In the past, consumers could choose to just not watch TV or read the paper - and that was enough to shelter them from all this fanfare. Today, there's no escaping it.

Marketing strategy
What's interesting from my point of view is that one thing, which never changes, is having a sound marketing strategy.  It all starts with a clear understanding of the desired outcomes and key messaging that resonates with a target audience while helping to differentiate the brand.

Keep a close watch on what defines each political candidate's brand over the next few month.  I think the differences will be clear and reinforced again and again through multiple touch points.  Regardless of which candidate you support, in just a few short weeks from now, you'll probably be able to recite their key message points verbatim - thanks to radio, tv, social, web, and emarketing.

Use this opportunity to learn from some of the best minds in marketing.  Watch the political race unfold and keep tabs on messaging and medium.  This is going to be an exciting time for anyone involved with marketing!

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