Friday, September 27, 2013

Reputation Management Using Social Media Accounts

Not too long ago, I started doing reputation management for a company that offers a beauty product. The product has been on the market a long time but recently updated to improve its efficacy and value.  Unfortunately the original business owners had never focused on reputation management for their company or this specific product, and the new owners inherited a reputation mess.

After a complete review of the website, page one and two search results, we put together a plan to leverage existing digital assets and build new ones that would serve as an effective way to enhance page one search results.  Primary social assets such as the Scalp Med Facebook Page, Scalp Med Linkedin Account, Twitter, etc. were all optimized for better search engine presence.  This involved reviewing each account, completing profile information, and embedding target keywords.

The second part of the strategy is leveraging citations.  Not a lot of people are familiar with the term but essentially, in addition to focusing on national search, we focused on Local Search.  Google is placing much more emphasis on business listings and local related factors that help verify business information and authority.

By combining both the optimization of existing social media assets as well as citations, we have been able to positively influence page one search results for the client.  However, some negative listings still persist.  In addition to the before-mentioned strategies, we also reached out to select affiliates who have authoritative websites and could rank assets rather quickly that are in support of the brand. This third prong of the strategy is proving effective as they have been able to influence rankings quickly with a positive result.

Some of you may be asking, "What's next?"  If you've created a reputation marketing plan and are now in a better position but still not showing a pristine online reputation, where do you go from here?  And the answer is that you remain persistent and continue to reinforce the assets that are appearing on page one and page two.  Slow and steady wins the race.  By focusing your efforts on a few, very authoritative assets, you can win in the long run, which should be your goal.

If you simple focus on trying to win the reputation game overnight, you'll have a really difficult time improving your online company view.  I like to use the phrase, "pick your square" which means that you need to focus on the digital assets that give you the best chance of showing up organically and pushing down negative results.

Reputation management and improving online search results for assets that reside on other pages (like your Facebook profile) can take time.  Be patient, continue to optimize, build quality inbound links, and you're sure to win!

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