Saturday, August 11, 2007

Making Money with Article Marketing

All of you know how much I love to share tips on easy ways to make money online. I discovered this latest tip while doing some article marketing. As I was distributing one of my own articles, I found an author who claimed to have generated nearly $2,000 from a single article. Of course I was curious as to how he achieved the result because I'm such a big believer in article marketing.

My first thought was that he was using Google adwords tightly integrated into his article. I realized however that this is virtually impossible. Most article distribution sites don't allow for active links to be placed in your articles - only the "About the Author" section.

Then I read on and realized how simple, yet effective his strategy was. Here's the tip: select a topic that is closely aligned to an affiliate product you might be selling. When you create your article, make a subtle mention of a URL (either where additional information, tips, or resources can be found) and continue on with your article.

The URL that you are going to place in your article (example: can be a domain that you purchase. I suggest using Godaddy or another inexpensive provider of URLs. Now the magic happens...

Forward the domain to your affiliate URL which automatically redirects to the vendor's jump page. The end result? When users visit your URL ( ex: you will get credit for all affiliate sales because they have been redirected through your affiliate URL.

When users click on my URL for example, it has been forwarded to Upon this URL loading, it redirects to an affiliates jump page (SEO Elite). Each time a user purchases, I earn a commission.

Great strategy... give it a try!

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